If you missed former Disney Channel star Miley Cyrus’ shocking MTV Video Music Awards performance this past Sunday evening, I’m not sure whether I can, in good...
Dallas ISD schools welcomed 143,412 students into classrooms Monday, an increase of 4,204 students over last year. The number of students who attended school...
Editor's Note: BubbleLife contributor Elizabeth Tamlyn writes "Ham and Cheese," an email newsletter offering encouragement, direction and advice regarding the...
If you or a loved one is enduring cancer, you might consider an upcoming wellness retreat at a Dallas health facility. Susan Gee, a specialist in massage for...
"Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dad I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight." You might...
Hopefully June, July and the first half of August were chock full of fun activities, vacations, swimming and friends for your students. Whether it’s your...
We’ve got two pieces of news for you. We’ll give you the bad news first—our site was not functioning for the better part of the morning on Tuesday, Aug. 20. The...
Pam Takesh – Guest Contributor
Aug 15 2013
By Pam Takesh DALLAS, TX, July 29, 2013 – We’ve all been waiting and the time is finally here! Trinity River Kayak Company has launched its first boats in the...
Saffie Farris – BubbleLife Staff
Aug 15 2013
The summer heat kills our desire to bake but this sweet treat is quick and easy. This Chess Squares recipe was a winner during our summer beach trip, with our...
Angela Washeck – Guest Contributor
Aug 15 2013
Imagine this scenario for a minute. Two mothers are discussing the joys and challenges of raising children and helping to provide for a family, only they're...