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Veterans Day features Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior author and Allen Community Jazz Band

Celebrate Veterans Day with Captain Allen Clark, author of Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior, and a musical performance from the Allen Community Jazz Band.  The program will be 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 11, at the historic Allen Christian Church, 252 E. St. Mary Dr., Allen Heritage Village. 

The Allen Community Jazz Band will open the program with a medley of patriotic songs featuring Mark Woodard on Alto Sax.  Highlights of the concert will include a unique version of Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy featuring Jeannie Baxter, Shayla Smith and Diana Brooks on vocals. Professionally attorneys in Collin County, these talented ladies enjoy singing on the side.  The band will conclude with Battle Hymn of the Republic.                                                                                                                     

On the last day of his tour of duty in Viet Nam before returning to the United States, Captain Clark confronted horrific tragedy. A mortar round landed behind him, resulting in both legs needing to be amputated below the knees. Captain Clark’s recovery was long and arduous, but the emotional wounds of despair continued to grip his being. An inspiring book, Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior chronicles his spiritually renewing journey.

A West Point graduate, Captain Clark earned the Silver Star, Purple Heart, and Combat Infantryman’s Badge for his Army Special Forces service in Vietnam. Later, he served as an assistant secretary in the Department of Veterans Affairs and subsequently as director of the National Cemetery System.

President Ronald Reagan declared, “There are a host of heroes to whom this country owes a debt it can never repay.  Allen Clark lost both his legs while serving his country in Viet Nam.  When he came home, his body was broken, but his spirit never faltered.”

Sponsored by the Allen Public Library, Allen Community Jazz Band, VFW 2195, Bernardo de Gálvez chapter DAR, the concert is free.  Call 214-509-4911 for further information.

Thursday, 24 October 2024