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Paula Cain reading to a Wee Can Student after delivering presents

Every year around the holidays an unfathomable amount of gifts are exchanged between family, friends and even strangers. This year a special group of friends renewed a holiday tradition that will continue to pay it forward. Gloria Campos and her closest friends decided that instead of exchanging gifts with each other every year they would gather gifts for a cause and donate them.

This year they chose a charity close to the heart of one of their members, Gloria Campos, so close in fact that it is named after her. The Gloria Campos Wee Can Academy, part of the Grant East Campus of Dallas Can Academy, received books, toys and all baby necessities from this tight-knit group of friends.

“We are very lucky to have been chosen as the recipient of such generous gifts from such generous people,” said Carol Wentworth, director of childcare operations., Wee Can Academies. “I think this is a wonderful yearly tradition between friends, and we are honored to have, in such close partnership, Gloria Campos as a friend to our schools.  She donates so much of her time every year to our high school students with her stories of her humble beginnings and determination to gain a good education.”

A member of this special group of friends, Paula Cain, recently delivered the gifts to the Gloria Campos Wee Can Academy. She played Santa Claus and dropped off the gifts, then read to the toddlers there that day. The gifts were donated to the school library and the baby necessities were sent home with the families of the children who are enrolled in the Gloria Campos Wee Can Academy. 

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